Check out the latest increase in target allowance, beginning November 1, 2020!!!!
Supporting the future of trapshooting and the PITA is our top priority. That future is our
youth shooters and the parents that support them. Our aim is to help mitigate, even if it's just a bit, some of the cost and time it takes to support a young shooter in today's economy.
Beginning November 1, 2020 the WSPITA new shooting program takes effect. Each youth shooter is allowed up to 1,000 reduced price PITA targets per shooting year. The discount is $16.00 per each 100 registered targets shot.
In addition, each year at the WSPITA State Shoot Tournament, ALL Youth shooters receive a host of additional benefits, including free shells, trophies and awards for their great shooting.
To receive your discount:
1. Enter any PITA tournament (including multiplex events).
2. Keep your entry receipt that you receive from the cashier which shows the cost of the entry, where you shot and so forth.
3. Mail that entry receipt to us. Make sure YOUR name and address are clearly marked so we know where to send your refund.
4. We will mail your refund of $16.00 per 100 targets up to 1,000 registered targets, to you.
5. Mail to: WSPITA, ATTN: Tom Olesen Chair and John Gustafson Co-Chair
So come out, meet some great people, & join in the fun of trapshooting!